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Amenartes D000537-9      

Starport: D


Size: 0


Atmos: 0


Hydro: 0


Pop: 5


Govt: 3


Law: 7


Tech: 9



Gas Giants: 0

As: Asteroid Belt. Ni: Non-Industrial. Va: Vacuum World.



The Amenartas star system based around a M2 V Red Dwarf star that contains 17 separate asteroid belts and a large number of mining and re-fuelling bases. A group of extended family clans and small enterprises compete to exploit the rich assets of the system. The Swires, Itochu, Bruce Holdings, Bordelaises, Forbes Co, Okaya and Dollar Co. all compete with dozens of other small holdings to exploit the asteroid belts.

Five years ago, Guipuzcoan Mining & Trading faced economic and technical collapse with their large asteroid base, Bolivaros, suffering structural failings.  They sold their holdings to Weiner Hogg, a company from out of system, who swiftly repaired the dilapidated economic and technical state of Bolivaros Base.  All GMT staff were kept employed and pay and conditions improved. The base was refurbished as a fully functioning market area at which all competing factions where welcome. This has brought a degree of stability to the system.

Weiner Hogg is wholly owned by the Duchy of far Fenwick’s Dept. of External Affairs.  It was established to increase Ducal influence and keep the Amenartas system from exploding in to rival faction based conflict.

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