













8 12692km





8 Dense

Law Level:




5 54%

Tech Level:


Early 20th Century Terra


7 20 mil.







Remarks & Trade classifications:  Agricultural, 2 Gas Giants


Emania is the homeworld of the Blyth canidoid race that was once a world teeming with over two billion inhabitants and a thriving tech level 5 society. That was over fifty years ago before the arrival of the Pryfyn insectoid race in to the star system,  who thenmercilessly conquered the planet.  The Pryfyn found the Blyth ideal hosts for their off-spring and they descended on the world hunting and impregnating the Blyth with their larvae; the result of which led to the death and consumption of the Blyth hosts.  Over the next twenty years swarms of Pryfyn Hive and Harvester ships arrived and the Blyth race was driven to the edge of extinction. A minority of Blyth were genetically unsuitable as hosts are rejected implanted eggs further causing an allergic reaction in the implanting Pryfyn. This 3% formed the basis of the survivors who live on Emania at present along with a tiny number of those that totally avoided the Pryfyn.  

There is a starport that has a population of several thousand Pryfyn supported by over two hundred thousand Blyth living in the adjacent settlement of Cellstor. It is the most technologically advanced settlement on the planet being able to service and support tech 12 Pryfyn ships. Cellstor has the only real industrial facilities on the planet and has rail lines spreading out to the nearest other Blyth new towns. These towns are made up of new Blyth clans formed of survivors that collected together following their racial instincts and for mutual security. They are away from the ruins of old pre-Pryfyn cities which are now far too dangerous for large-scale habitation. Beyond the rail network are further new towns that all seek to survive. They all co-operate with the Pryfyn, at least they pretend to, while hoping they never visit. The new towns are all independent of each other and will only submit to orders from the Pryfyn. Before the Pryfyn arrived the planet was at tech level 5, circa 1930s Terra, and was progressing towards the discovery of nuclear energy. Since then the new towns have dropped to a low tech 5, circa early 20th century Terra. In contrast Cellstor is a thriving tech 12 settlement that trades manufactured good to the new towns for food and resources.

Now that the Pryfyn have fully harvested the world, the bulk of the have moved on leaving only 10,000 behind to maintain the starport and for the thrill of hunting the ever dwindling number of wild Blyth through the ruins of their once great cities.




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