
Traveller is a science fiction role-playing game, first published in 1977 by Game Designers' Workshop. Marc W. Miller designed Traveller with help from Frank Chadwick, John Harshman, and Loren K. Wiseman. There have been at least eleven different version of Traveller published over the years and many fan sites and fanzines produced. This site is set in the Rebellion Era of Megatraveller but, annoyingly, uses a hybrid version of the classic little black book (LBB) rules.

The Third Imperium

The main, though not only,  setting for Traveller is the Third Imperium.

The Third Imperium is the largest star nation in known space ruling over 280 sub-sectors and 11,000 worlds.  Due to the limits of inter-stellar travel it is in the form of a federation with nobility overseeing on behalf of the Emperor the space between the stars. There are basic Imperial laws such as protecting trade, banning slavery and prohibiting possession of weapons of mass destruction. Local planetary matters are left to the local authorities and the Imperium rarely interferes. The imperium is dominated by humans but also includes numerous non- human races and variants of humanity.