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Starport: C


Size: 8


Atmos: 8



Hydro: 7


Pop: 7

71.9 mil.

Govt: A

Charis. Dictator

Law: 6


Tech: 10



Gas Giants: 3

Ag (Agricultural), Ga (Garden World)




Borduria is the third planet in the Voithós star system, with 6 planets and 2 asteroid belts orbiting a G8 V yellow main sequence star. Voithós IV, Voithós VI and Voithós VII are gas giants with 38, 14 and 29 moons each. Voithós II and Voithós V are asteroid belts.

Borduria is a rich agricultural world and the breadbasket of the Duchy. Vast automated collective farms cover much of the land interspersed with numerous cities that act as processing hubs. Szohôd is the major city and starport from where processed high nutrient and calorific foodstuffs are exported.

Margravine Morgaine haut Colgrevance is the ruler of Borduria and has been so for over 30 years. He is popular with the populace who are made up of Kumiho colonists from Fenwick and Brythonic humans who have settled on the planet as economic migrants.  The Colgrevance family have been the rulers of Borduria since it was initially settled and the house founder, Julian Colgrevance, was an officer in the crew of the IFA Vicuña.

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