The Campaign Background

The Fading Stars campaign is set in a previously unexplored region of space far to the spinward of the Third Imperium, well beyond Great Reft, well beyond even the Zhodani consulate.  This Halteres Sector is far from known space.

Starting on the planet Ridge/Diaspora, a refugee flotilla of ships sought to escape the approaching civilisation destroying weapon that had escaped after 14 years of civil war.  It was a devastating computer virus that had been released from its lab prison and was loose in the Imperium causing damage on an unimaginable scale.

The Khonsu Aquanautical Research Facility was a front for Project Halteres, a jump multiplier designed to greatly boost the range of vessels. The downside was the devastation to the system of origin. The Libert Flotilla gambled and used the multiplier to escape but unfortunately, given the massive distance travelled by the flotilla, they were scattered by even the most minor of course navigational discrepancies. A few arrived at their target area but many more are missing with their locations unknown.

 Map from


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