Blyth, Canidoid Race

The Blyth are a race of canidoids that suffered the tragic fate of being the closest interstellar race to the Pryfyn. Their once rich culture and vibrant society was shattered by the insectoids as the Pryfyn ruthlessly used the Blyth as hosts for reproduction. The intelligent but low technologically developed Blyth have been driven to near extinction by the uncontrollable urges and actions of their conquerors.


The Blyth are a race of upright bipeds who resemble humanoid dogs with frontal paws that have developed in to hands. They do have a likeness to the typical Vargr but are larger and taller overall. A typical male Blyth stands 1.8 metre tall and weighs around 80 kilos. They are of a more solid build to a Vargr but are not as dexterous. Blyth are digitgrade, as in they walk on their toes with their heels of the ground, and are cover in short fur. They have strong jaws with sharp teeth though it was seen as uncouth to actually bite anyone; how times have changed. Though they are formed quite differently, their hands are close enough to humans to make the inter-use of tools and weaponry possible. Blyth hands have non-retractable claw like nails that can be used in a desperate fight.  Unlike their canine ancestors, the Blyth are always sexually capable post-puberty and are able to mate and breed when they wish with scent a large part of the courtship rituals.  The average Blyth gestation period is 31 weeks with twins or triplets most often born though single births are not unknown. A single birth was significant in Blyth culture and often seen as a sign of future greatness. Offspring mature by their 13th birthday and are adults from 15 years onwards. Their pre-Pryfyn life expectancy was the late 60s but this has decreased.

Blyth senses are generally superior to humans, especially sight which is much sharper. Physiological differences mean that they perceive colours in varying ways that humans might find unpleasant and unappealing. Their hearing is excellent but also attuned slightly more towards higher frequencies and away from lower ones. Their sense of smell is superior and it is common for them to be able to identify each other by scent however the Pryfyn adrenaline like pheromone that is released totally blocks this. In fact the hydrogen sulphide like smell causes discomfort to the Blyth and can in in large volumes even cause nausea.  Dietary wise the Blyth are omnivores with a general preference towards meat, usually uncooked. They also eat fruit and spiced vegetables but as an addition to the main flesh element of their meals. They have a fondness for alcoholic beverages, especially cloudy sour beers but are no more drinks tolerant than humans.

One physiological factor worthy of note is that while the Blyth make ideal hosts for Pryfyn reproduction needs, a small minority of 3% reject the implantation of eggs and even cause a negative allergic reaction in the would be implanter. This also appears to be a genetic trait passed down to descendants.  


The Blyth are very much pack orientated beings who do not enjoy being isolated from their friends and family. They are also very gregarious and need the companionship and support of their pack to prosper. Their personal boundaries are much less than humans and they lack a need for large amounts of privacy. This is similar to the Vargr in many ways but the Blyths need for charisma and dominance is different. Within a Blyth pack or wider tribe, leaders are appointed based on their ability and personal appeal but there is not the constant challenging that occurs in Vargr society. The normal Blyth do not need to constantly challenge or prove themselves to the same degree. They will accept a leader until events prove him or her unfit to rule and only then will they replace their leader. The Blyth had never encountered aliens till their ill-fated meeting with the Pryfyn and they never developed the Vargr type of racial pride. The conquest and near genocide at the hands of the Pryfyn has had a drastic negative effect on the psychology of the surviving Blyth. Survivor guilt is not uncommon as is Post-traumatic stress disorder for the small minority remaining.

Society and Government

Blyth society was hierarchical and feudal; a pack leader swore loyalty to his superior and so on. An incompetent leader would be removed by his vassals and followers but not on a whim and the system was much less chaotic in nature than the way Vargr society was perceived. There was also a degree of hereditary rule as a leader would try to train his off spring to rule but it was by no means guaranteed. The best comparsion was that packs formed in to tribes which formed in to large clans. They clans allied to form large polities which ruled the home world between them. The arrival of the Pryfyn shattered all this as they conquered and then culled at will. The Blyth homeworld had a population of roughly 2 billion which fell in over thirty years to less than twenty million. The survivors were, mostly, the 3% who were genetically unable to act as a host for the Pryfyn and even then a third of them were killed out of hand in insectoid frustration.

Today there are third broad types of surviving Blyth ranging from the Gwatheg to the Trefur and Gwylt. The Gwatheg are the Blyth who live with and for the Pryfyn; mainly at the starport which they maintain and operate. They are sneered at by the Trefur and loathed by the Gwylt. They are technologically skilled as they use and maintain Pryfyn technology; they are even found off-world. The Trefur have mainly banded together to live in newer composite clans in small towns while larger cities have been left as mausoleums to the past. Each town will have an official who acts for the town and will, if needed, communicate with the Pryfyn. This is the highest level of government as these settlements tend to be well spread out though they will occasionally be visited by a Pryfyn scout force to search for hostable Blyth. A minority of insane survivors live loner existences in the ruins of the large cities salvaging and foraging for their needs. The Gwylt hate the Pryfyn and would gladly kill any they come across and this extends to the Gawtheg  


The Blyth perceive colours differently from humans and what is appealing to one race may well be repulsive to another. They tend to wear garments that might appeal gaudy or clashing by human standards. One major development is the tendency of the surviving Blyth to wear violets and colour spreading in to the ultra-violet range. The Pryfyn can see ultra-violet colours and often used them as warning and signs of danger which other races are unaware of. UV and violet arecolours linked to danger and the Pryfyn havebecame uncomfortable with them; this became known to the surviving Blyth. The remaining Blyth also show the failed impregnation marks on their stomachs as a way of making Pryfyn aware of the futility of using them as hosts. Garments will have a transparent covering over the abdomen to show the scar.  These clothing tactics are designed to make them unattractive to the Pryfyn and tend to work.

Art by Pino44io
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