Medals, Awards & Citations

Mentioned in Despatches (MID) is the lowest level military award for gallantry or otherwise commendable service. The award is relatively common, does not confer a medal and is relatively low in the order of precedence. A despatch is an official report from a senior commander to his superiors, detailing the conduct of military operations. In the Imperium this report is published in the Fleet United Services Gazette and reprinted in numerous other publications. If a subordinate officer or soldier performs a noteworthy action included in the report, he or she is said to have been "mentioned in despatches".

Meritous Conduct Under Fire (MCUF) is a third level miliatary decoration for bravery in the Imperium. It may be given out for other than battlefield valour such as excellent conduct.

The Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry (MCG) is a second level military decoration of the Third Imperium. The MCG, which may as with all other awards be received posthumously, is awarded "in recognition of an act or acts of conspicuous gallantry during active operations against the enemy".

The Starburst for Extreme Heroism (SHE) is the highest recognition for valour "in the face of the enemy" that can be awarded to members of the Imperial Armed Forces and may be awarded to a person of any rank in any service, and civilians under military command. This can only be awarded by the Emperor.

Lastly there are Imperial Campaign Medals that are awarded to military members participating in specified military campaigns. An example is the Spinward Star for service in the Fourth Frontier War in the Spinward Marches.

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