
A Minor Non-Human Race with a humanoid appearance from planet 183-361 in the Khavle subsector of Diaspora; a pre-industrial, agricultural, low-tech society.

Anatomically, the Ashiin resemble Humaniti with defined female and male sexes; they are a taller than normal race (due to lower gravity) at about 1.5 meters for females, and 1.7m for males on average. They are homeopathic, oxygen breathers with hexadigital features (six fingers and toes), and have black pupiless eyes. Due to their closer orbit to their parent star (orbit 2, with a ), they have more than the usual share of melanin in their skin pigmentation, being very dark skinned, and are in the inverse, very light colored in hair colors, white, silver, blonde predominately darkening to deeper hues of grey with age.

This minor humanoid race and pre-stellar culture were interdicted during early Third Imperium times upon discovery early in the unification period with the Terran Confederation. They were discovered to be unique to just this planet, and had a language with no resemblance to any other Minor Humaniti species or known transplanted Humaniti ( the Vilani or Zhodani).  The planet was declared a red zone to prevent cultural contamination. The last known data from their interdiction satellites in 1120 placed their development at late TL–3 early TL–4. The interdiction is no longer effective after years of neglect.

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