Anakundu, Minor Human Race

The Anakundu are a minor human race from the planet Waroh in the Old expanses sector of the Imperium.  They were contacted by the Vilani over six thousand years ago when still a stone age society.  There were less than 100,000 of the Anakundu living as primitive hunter-gatherers facing a very uncertain future. The Vilani intervened and over the following millennia Anakundu society and technology was developed to a point where they joined the Vilani Empire as equals. They established a colony on the nearby planet Ranb and were devoted and loyal allies of the Vilani.  

The Anakundu look very similar to a standard human but their gene pool was from a northern continent so they tend to have pale complexions. Their world is very bright and they developed a dense amount of freckles around the eyes to reduce reflection; their eyes are black. The major factor for the Anakundu is their short lifespans caused by sleeplessness. As a child they sleep six or seven hours but this reduces by an hour every ten years. By the time they are over forty they are sleeping only two hours a day and by the time they are fifty they enter a period of deterioration ending in insanity and death. The Vilani introduced medication to extend lifespans to 75 to 80 years, a great improvement for the Anakundu. Under the Third Imperium this has been extended to 90 years but this seems the limit of medical science so far.  They are also easily able to stay awake and functional for 20 hours and over twice that with only minimal impact.

Like many, but not all, of the races contacted by the Vilani they were greatly aided and mirrored their helpers’ society.  For centuries it was a copy of the Vilani culture and only the long night loosened the ties.  later on they gladly joined the Third imperium and again benefited from medical advances. Overall the Anakundu have stoic and fatalistic approach to life; they know they will not live as long as other humans and accept it.  They rarely complain and are capable of putting up with great hardships; they have a reputation as solid and reliable people. 

Art by Pino44io

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