Art by Pino44io

Pryfyn Hive Ship

When a planet becomes over culled and the number of potential hosts drops too low, the Pryfyn will re-locate.  This is very much a last resort but is a more appealing option than extinction. The recent discovery of jump technology has eased this burden for the Pryfyn. In the past they relied on generation ships travelling at STL but no longer! These large Hive Ships can transport a whole Pryfyn faction or clan at once bringing the surprise of a Pryfyn invasion to an unsuspecting planet. The Hive pods are attached to a central body and individually detach to make planet fall amongst the newly designated hosts. As the Pryfyn need intelligent hosts for their offspring, their arrival is often met with aggression in the new star systems. Hive Ships have defensive weaponry and never travel unescorted. This particular vessel is called “Joy bringer” in the Pryfyn language.  


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