
(C310900-B G Non-Agric, Indus.) 

Universal World Profile:
Starport: C (Routine, fuel and repair facilities present)
Planetary Size: 3 (Small)
Atmosphere: 1 (Trace)
Hydrosphere: 0% (Desert World)
Population: 9 (1 Billion)
Government: 0 (No formal govt, internecine clan rule)
Law Level: 0 (No prohibitions)
Technology Level: B (Average Stellar) 
Trade Classification: Non-Agricultural, Industrial

Illustration by ShinyMan

Libert is not the most hospitable of planets and it is highly unlikely that humans would have not settled the planet by choice but they did not. It is a desert world with only a trace surface atmosphere. The humans, who would become the Libert, were transported here by the ancients who genetically modified them. Though they look very similar to Terrans, the Libert are hardier and capable of surviving in an adverse environment. After the ancients left, the Libert survived by living in the extensive and deep canyon of the polar regions were the atmospheric pressure was highest. Deep in the warren of canyons they could also find water and tend their livestock by living a nomadic life.

When first contact was made with the Vilani, their whole culture collapsed from future shock. Though the vilani looked similar to the Libert they were aliens and had magical technology. At first the Libert thought they were the returning ancients and for a while tried to worship them. Over the next two thousand years the Vilani helped to rebuild and reforge Libert society in their own image with the Libert adopting the Vilani language and much of their cultural beliefs. They thrived under Vilani rule which brought stability and great technological advancement. The whole planet was tamed with domed cities spreading in to the baked equatorial zones; the population exponentially grew.

When the Terrans defeated the Vilani and swarmed in to the Ziru Sirka, they eventually came to Libert. Though the Libert were from Terra originally like the Vilani, they had lost their resistance to many of the Terran diseases. When Terran settlers arrived they brought these diseases with them leading to pandemics costing the lives of 20% of the Libert population. The Libert hated the Terrans and missed their old tutors, the Vilani. During the Long Night, when the Terran Empire collapsed on itself, Libert was left to fend for itself and its society splintered. Old clans and tribes fought and bickered with each other; these clashes were both often and bloody.  Matters sadly remained the same for centuries till the expanding Third Imperium made contact and absorbed an enthusiastic Libert; the external influence and control once again brought stability to the planet.

Libert flourished under the Third Imperium growing in wealth and population. The population were keen members of the Imperium. This loyalty remained well in to the Rebellion period but the withdrawal of Imperial control led, once again, to in-fighting and factionalism. There is now no longer any planetary government, just warring clan factions. 

The main starport is based in the southern polar region and is run and controlled by CommerStar Industries, the corporate face of the second largest clan on Libert. They have remained the most outward looking of the tribal factions on the planet and are allied with Count Teraq Stromboli, the last Imperial representative on Libert. The starport is fully functional but operating at far from full capacity with the shipyards mothballed and unlikely to re-open soon. Even so, Libert has one of the best starports on the Libert Main trade route and services the ever dwindling number of merchant vessels in the region. It is one of the main income sources for CommerStar Industries and enables the clan to gain outside resources and wealth.

The Imperial residency is protected by the Hamdok Enterprises clan faction, again in the southern polar region. This is a smaller faction but one that consistently allied itself with the remnants of the Imperium on planet. They have has access to the remains of Imperial weaponry and technology, which they have wisely hoarded. Count Teraq Stromboli is the last imperial representative on Libet. Technically he could appoint a new consul to rule the world but knows this is pointless without off world might to enforce this. Teraq is the son of the late Count Vontes who died in a well-known and publicised SolSec terrorist attack. The ‘Dirty Solomani’ had once again struck at Libert and it gained a degree of sympathy and support for the Stromboli family.

Count Teraq is fiercely pro-Imperium and holds the rank of Commodore in the Navy. He is also the commander of the INS Nuska, a heavily damaged fleet courier ship that is at the Residency. The Nuska has a non-operational manoeuvre drive but has fully functioning missile turrets which are claimed to have nuclear ordnance. This in itself has kept any of the factions from bothering the Residency.    

Unknown Information

The great secret is that in reality, the assassinationof Count Vontes was orchestrated by the Zewde clan but public knowledge of this would have splintered Libert even further. A useful and unpleasant lie was spun instead which only a select few know and is not at all common knowledge.   


 Pre-Rebellion, 1116 IY: A3109BC-F

Pre-Rebellion map of the region 6 parsecs around Libert. (details are now out of date.)

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