The Poldavian Squadron

INS Varyag, Vain Glory class, Assault Carrier

Captain: Angan Gravely (Lt. Commander)

Constructed at Depot/Inar/Deneb under the emergency building programme of the 5th Frontier War, the Varyag was only launched 3 months before her mis-jump incident. She was on her maiden combat mission and despite, technically, being over 10 years old is in prime condition. Over a year ago, half her crew died in a terrorist attack and the replacements are mainly clones and other sailors transferred in that have yet to prove themselves in combat.


INS Golden Bough, Chrysanthemum class, Destroyer Escort

Captain: Saria Defret (Lieutenant)

Constructed at Herodotus/Aklan/Delphi in 1120 for Margaret’s faction of the Rebellion, she has seen extensive combat against Solomani and Lucanite enemies. Her last appointed captain was executed by the XO, Saria Defret for cowardice. Saria Defret is now the captain of the vessel in Poldavian service..


INS Copperhead, Fer-de-Lance class, Destroyer Escort




IFA Resource, Foundry class, Repair Ship

Captain: Felicia Pyllow (Sub-Lt, Baroness)

XO: Sarii Esperon (Ship's Master)


IFA Hera Sprinter, Type TI, Frontier Transport

Captain: Hayden Severt (Sub-Lt.)

XO: Minerva Quintan (Ship's Master)


SS Lakshmi, Caishen class, Bulk Carrier

Ship Master: Zheng Shun-Li



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